Uses of Interface

Packages that use RepositoryObject
org.xiruss.repository.api Defines the repository-level interfaces common to clients and servers. 
org.xiruss.repository.client.importers.linkmanagement Classes that support the creation of "referent tracking documents" used to manage element-to-element links via the SnapCM dependency mechanism. 
org.xiruss.repository.client.importers.xml Provides classes for supporting the import of generic XML documents as well as XSD schemas and XSLT style sheets. 
org.xiruss.repository.common Holds implementation classes usable by both clients and servers. 
org.xiruss.repository.multiuser.api Defines APIs for multi-user repositories. 
org.xiruss.repository.multiuser.server Server-side implementation classes for multi-user server objects. 
org.xiruss.repository.schema_aware.api API for schema-aware repositories. 
org.xiruss.repository.server Implementation classes for the core server-side objects that make up a SnapCM repository. 
org.xiruss.repository.server.linkmanagement Server-side base implementations of the link-management-specific interfaces. 
org.xiruss.repository.server.reuse_support Contains classes that support the management of use-by-reference relationships among versions. 
org.xiruss.repository.server.schema_aware Server-side base implementation of the schema-aware repository classes. 
org.xiruss.repository.server.storagemanagement Contains classes that manage the storage of Versions that are storage objects (that is, they contain data and act like files). 
org.xiruss.repository.server.storagemanagement.specializations Defines specializations of StorageObject that understand the details of specific kinds of data. 
org.xiruss.snapcm Defines the SnapCM API. 
org.xiruss.snapcm.api Defines the SnapCM API as a set of interfaces and exception types. 
org.xiruss.snapcm.api.helpers Defines types that are not part of the core SnapCM data model but that make working with SnapCM objects more convenient. 
org.xiruss.util Utility classes that are used by all parts of the code. 
org.xiruss.xirussrepository.api Defines the API for the XirussRepository. 
org.xiruss.xirussrepository.client This package provides client-side proxies that implement all the relevant Repository and XirussRepository APIs and manage all communication with the HTTP Xiruss Repository API (provided by the JettyXirussHttpApiRunner class. 
org.xiruss.xirussrepository.server Implementation of the XirussRepository API. 
org.xiruss.xirussrepository.server.jetty.apiserver Implements the Xiruss HTTP API handler and repository-object-type specific Jetty Resources that manage the translation of specific Xiruss Repository objects into HTTP actions that result in XML API response messages (i.e., the data contents of a version or a list of resources or whatever. 
org.xiruss.xirussrepository.server.jetty.viewer Implements the Xiruss HTTP "viewer" server, that is the server that allows direct access to repository resources for "viewing", including access to version contents via a direct and obvious URL (i.e., the version ID in any conetext or resource ID within a snapshot context. 

Uses of RepositoryObject in org.xiruss.repository.api

Subinterfaces of RepositoryObject in org.xiruss.repository.api
 interface CompoundDocument
          A Version that is the root of a compound document.
 interface FileStorageObject
          Methods that all File storage objects must implement.
 interface OnSnapshotResolutionPolicy
 interface ReferentTrackingLinkDependency
 interface SpecificVersionResolutionPolicy
          A resolution policy that should always resolve to a specific version if that version is visible in the resolution context.
 interface StorageManager
 interface StorageObject
          A storage object is a Version that has the priveledged property "content" that contains an arbitrarily large byte stream.
 interface TextStorageObject
          Represents storage objects that are interpreted as sequences of characters in some character encoding, as opposed to binary objects, such as bitmapped graphics.
 interface UseByReferenceDependency
 interface XmlStorageObject
          Represents XML documents.

Classes in org.xiruss.repository.api that implement RepositoryObject
 class NullStorageManager

Fields in org.xiruss.repository.api declared as RepositoryObject
static RepositoryObject Repository.nullRepositoryObject

Methods in org.xiruss.repository.api that return RepositoryObject
 RepositoryObject Repository.getObjectById(java.lang.String objId)
          Returns an object of any type given an object ID.
 RepositoryObject NullRepository.getObjectById(java.lang.String objId)

Uses of RepositoryObject in org.xiruss.repository.client.importers.linkmanagement

Classes in org.xiruss.repository.client.importers.linkmanagement that implement RepositoryObject
 class ReferentTrackingDocument
          Represents documents that act as indirectors to reference targets.
 class ReferentTrackingLinkDependency
          Represents a referent tracking link dependency from a non-RTD document to an RTD document.

Uses of RepositoryObject in org.xiruss.repository.client.importers.xml

Classes in org.xiruss.repository.client.importers.xml that implement RepositoryObject
 class GovernedByDependency
          Represents dependencies between XML documents and the schemas that govern them.

Uses of RepositoryObject in org.xiruss.repository.common

Methods in org.xiruss.repository.common that return RepositoryObject
 RepositoryObject RepositoryObjectMapImpl.get(java.lang.String objectId)

Methods in org.xiruss.repository.common with parameters of type RepositoryObject
 void RepositoryObjectMapCommonImpl.put(RepositoryObject repObject)
          Adds the specified repository object to the map, indexing it by its object ID.
 void RepositoryObjectMapCommonImpl.remove(RepositoryObject obj)
 void StringReportRepositoryVisitor.visitRepositoryObject(RepositoryObject obj)
 void HtmlReportRepositoryVisitor.visitRepositoryObject(RepositoryObject obj)

Uses of RepositoryObject in org.xiruss.repository.multiuser.api

Subinterfaces of RepositoryObject in org.xiruss.repository.multiuser.api
 interface Session
          Xiruss Repository server session.
 interface User

Classes in org.xiruss.repository.multiuser.api that implement RepositoryObject
 class NullSession
 class NullUser

Uses of RepositoryObject in org.xiruss.repository.multiuser.server

Classes in org.xiruss.repository.multiuser.server that implement RepositoryObject
 class SessionBase
 class UserBase
          Represents a user of the system.

Uses of RepositoryObject in org.xiruss.repository.schema_aware.api

Subinterfaces of RepositoryObject in org.xiruss.repository.schema_aware.api
 interface GovernedByDependency

Uses of RepositoryObject in org.xiruss.repository.server

Classes in org.xiruss.repository.server that implement RepositoryObject
 class BranchBase
          A linear sequence of snapshots
 class CompoundDocumentBase
          A version that may represent a compound document defined through use-by-reference relationships to other versions.
 class DependencyLinkBase
          Represents a version-to-resource link.
 class MutableSnapshotBase
          A snapshot that can have its various version lists modified until it is committed.
 class OnSnapShotResolutionPolicyBase
          Resolution policy that resolves to the latest version visible on the current snapshot, if any.
 class OrganizedByDependency
          Represents relationships between Organizers and the things they directly organize, such as the relationship between "directories" and "files".
 class OrganizedByDependencyBase
          Represents relationships between Organizers and the things they directly organize, such as the relationship between "directories" and "files".
 class OrganizerBase
          A version whose only purpose is to organize groups of other versions for some purpose, such as providing hierarchical containers or enabling management of arbitrary sets of versions.
 class RepositoryObjectBase
          Superclass for all SnapCM Repository objects.
 class ResolutionPolicyBase
 class ResourceBase
          A SnapCM resource representing a set of versions.
 class SnapshotBase
          Implements the access-only methods for snapshots.
 class SpecificVersionResolutionPolicyBase
          A resolution policy that resolves to a specific, invariant, version.
 class StorageObjectBase
          Implements the base methods for storage objects.
 class VersionBase
          A SnapCM version.

Fields in org.xiruss.repository.server declared as RepositoryObject
static RepositoryObject RepositoryBase.nullRepositoryObject

Methods in org.xiruss.repository.server that return RepositoryObject
 RepositoryObject RepositoryBase.getObjectById(java.lang.String objId)
          Returns an object of any type given an object ID.

Uses of RepositoryObject in org.xiruss.repository.server.linkmanagement

Classes in org.xiruss.repository.server.linkmanagement that implement RepositoryObject
 class ReferentTrackingLinkDependencyBase
          Represents a referent tracking link dependency from a non-RTD document to an RTD document.

Uses of RepositoryObject in org.xiruss.repository.server.reuse_support

Classes in org.xiruss.repository.server.reuse_support that implement RepositoryObject
 class CompoundDocumentStorageObject
          Represents a storage object that is also the root of a compound document.
 class UseByReferenceDependency
          Represents a use-by-reference dependency from one document to another.
 class UseByReferenceDependencyBase
          Represents a use-by-reference dependency from one document to another.

Uses of RepositoryObject in org.xiruss.repository.server.schema_aware

Classes in org.xiruss.repository.server.schema_aware that implement RepositoryObject
 class GovernedByDependencyBase
          Represents dependencies between XML documents and the schemas that govern them.

Uses of RepositoryObject in org.xiruss.repository.server.storagemanagement

Classes in org.xiruss.repository.server.storagemanagement that implement RepositoryObject
 class FileStorageManager
          A storage manager that manages files.
 class InMemoryStorageManager
 class StorageManagerBase
          Manages a collection of storage objects.

Uses of RepositoryObject in org.xiruss.repository.server.storagemanagement.specializations

Classes in org.xiruss.repository.server.storagemanagement.specializations that implement RepositoryObject
 class TextStorageObjectBase
          Represents storage objects that are interpreted as sequences of characters in some character encoding, as opposed to binary objects, such as bitmapped graphics.
 class XmlStorageObjectBase
          Represents XML documents.

Uses of RepositoryObject in org.xiruss.snapcm

Classes in org.xiruss.snapcm that implement RepositoryObject
(package private)  class MyResolutionPolicy

Uses of RepositoryObject in org.xiruss.snapcm.api

Subinterfaces of RepositoryObject in org.xiruss.snapcm.api
 interface Branch
 interface DependencyLink
 interface MutableSnapshot
          A Mutable snapshot is one that can be changed (i.e., a "sandbox") until such time as it is "fixed" (committed to the repository).
 interface OrganizedByDependency
 interface Organizer
 interface ResolutionPolicy
          Base interface for dependency resolution policies.
 interface Resource
 interface Snapshot
 interface Version

Classes in org.xiruss.snapcm.api that implement RepositoryObject
 class NullBranch
          Null branch object.
 class NullDependencyLink
 class NullMutableSnapshot
          A null mutable snapshot.
 class NullRepositoryObject
 class NullResolutionPolicy
 class NullResource
 class NullSnapshot
 class NullVersion

Methods in org.xiruss.snapcm.api with parameters of type RepositoryObject
 void RepositoryVisitor.visitRepositoryObject(RepositoryObject obj)

Uses of RepositoryObject in org.xiruss.snapcm.api.helpers

Methods in org.xiruss.snapcm.api.helpers that return RepositoryObject
 RepositoryObject RepositoryObjectMap.get(java.lang.String objectId)
 RepositoryObject NullRepositoryObjectMap.get(java.lang.String objectId)

Methods in org.xiruss.snapcm.api.helpers with parameters of type RepositoryObject
 void RepositoryObjectMapCommon.put(RepositoryObject repObject)
          Adds the specified repository object to the map, indexing it by its object ID.
 void NullRepositoryObjectMapCommon.put(RepositoryObject repositoryObj)
 void RepositoryObjectMapCommon.remove(RepositoryObject obj)
 void NullRepositoryObjectMapCommon.remove(RepositoryObject obj)

Uses of RepositoryObject in org.xiruss.util

Methods in org.xiruss.util with parameters of type RepositoryObject
 void XmlStringBuffer.xmlEncodeObjectProperties(RepositoryObject obj)

Uses of RepositoryObject in org.xiruss.xirussrepository.api

Methods in org.xiruss.xirussrepository.api with parameters of type RepositoryObject
 java.lang.String XirussRepository.getUrlStringForObject(RepositoryObject obj)
          Given a repository object, returns the cannonical URL for addressing it.

Uses of RepositoryObject in org.xiruss.xirussrepository.client

Classes in org.xiruss.xirussrepository.client that implement RepositoryObject
 class BranchProxy
 class CompoundDocumentStorageObjectProxy
 class DependencyLinkProxy
 class GovernedByDependencyProxy
 class MutableSnapshotProxy
 class OnSnapshotResolutionPolicyProxy
 class OrganizedByDependencyProxy
 class OrganizerProxy
 class ReferentTrackingLinkDependencyProxy
 class RepositoryObjectProxy
 class ResolutionPolicyProxy
 class ResourceProxy
 class SessionProxy
          Trivial session object.
 class SnapshotProxy
 class SpecificVersionResolutionPolicyProxy
 class StorageObjectProxy
 class TextStorageObjectProxy
 class UseByReferenceDependencyProxy
 class UserProxy
 class VersionProxy
 class XmlStorageObjectProxy

Methods in org.xiruss.xirussrepository.client that return RepositoryObject
 RepositoryObject XirussRepositoryProxy.getObjectById(java.lang.String objId)

Methods in org.xiruss.xirussrepository.client with parameters of type RepositoryObject
 java.lang.String XirussRepositoryProxy.getUrlStringForObject(RepositoryObject obj)

Uses of RepositoryObject in org.xiruss.xirussrepository.server

Methods in org.xiruss.xirussrepository.server with parameters of type RepositoryObject
 java.lang.String XirussRepositoryDefaultImpl.getUrlStringForObject(RepositoryObject obj)
          Given a repository object, returns the cannonical URL for addressing it.

Uses of RepositoryObject in org.xiruss.xirussrepository.server.jetty.apiserver

Methods in org.xiruss.xirussrepository.server.jetty.apiserver with parameters of type RepositoryObject
static XmlStringBuffer PropertyListResource.constructPropertyListContents(RepositoryObject obj)
static java.lang.String RepositoryObjectResource.constructRepositoryObjectAttributes(RepositoryObject repObj)
static java.lang.StringBuffer HttpApiHelper.xmlEncodeObjectProperties(RepositoryObject obj)

Constructors in org.xiruss.xirussrepository.server.jetty.apiserver with parameters of type RepositoryObject
DependencyResource(Repository rep, org.mortbay.http.HttpRequest request, RepositoryObject repObj)
HttpApiResourceBase(Repository rep, org.mortbay.http.HttpRequest request, RepositoryObject repObj)
PropertyListResource(Repository rep, org.mortbay.http.HttpRequest request, RepositoryObject repObj)
RepositoryObjectResource(Repository rep, org.mortbay.http.HttpRequest request, RepositoryObject repObj)
VoidReturnResource(Repository rep, org.mortbay.http.HttpRequest request, RepositoryObject obj, java.lang.String methodName)

Uses of RepositoryObject in org.xiruss.xirussrepository.server.jetty.viewer

Fields in org.xiruss.xirussrepository.server.jetty.viewer declared as RepositoryObject
protected  RepositoryObject XirussResourceBase.repositoryObject

Methods in org.xiruss.xirussrepository.server.jetty.viewer that return RepositoryObject
 RepositoryObject XirussResourceBase.getRepositoryObject()

Constructors in org.xiruss.xirussrepository.server.jetty.viewer with parameters of type RepositoryObject
SnapshotHtmlResource(XirussRepository rep, org.mortbay.http.HttpRequest request, RepositoryObject repositoryObj)
XirussHtmlResource(XirussRepository rep, org.mortbay.http.HttpRequest request, RepositoryObject repositoryObj)
XirussResourceBase(Repository rep, org.mortbay.http.HttpRequest request, RepositoryObject repObj)