Uses of Interface

Packages that use RepositoryObjectMapCommon
org.xiruss.repository.common Holds implementation classes usable by both clients and servers. 
org.xiruss.snapcm.api.helpers Defines types that are not part of the core SnapCM data model but that make working with SnapCM objects more convenient. 
org.xiruss.xirussrepository.client This package provides client-side proxies that implement all the relevant Repository and XirussRepository APIs and manage all communication with the HTTP Xiruss Repository API (provided by the JettyXirussHttpApiRunner class. 

Uses of RepositoryObjectMapCommon in org.xiruss.repository.common

Classes in org.xiruss.repository.common that implement RepositoryObjectMapCommon
 class RepositoryObjectMapImpl
          Superclass for specialized repository object maps.
 class ResourceMapImpl
          Map of Resources to IDs
 class SnapshotMapImpl
          Mapping of IDs to Snapshots
 class VersionByResourceMapImpl
          Map of versions by Resource.
 class VersionMapImpl
          HashMap of versions by version ID.

Uses of RepositoryObjectMapCommon in org.xiruss.snapcm.api.helpers

Subinterfaces of RepositoryObjectMapCommon in org.xiruss.snapcm.api.helpers
 interface RepositoryObjectMap
          A generic map of repository objects of any type by object ID.
 interface ResourceMap
          Map of Resource objects by object ID
 interface SnapshotMap
          Map of Snapshot objects by object ID.
 interface VersionByResourceMap
          Map of Version objects by Resource object.
 interface VersionMap
          Map of Version objects by object ID.

Classes in org.xiruss.snapcm.api.helpers that implement RepositoryObjectMapCommon
 class NullRepositoryObjectMap
 class NullResourceMap
 class NullSnapshotMap
 class NullVersionByResourceMap
          Null version-by-resource map.
 class NullVersionMap

Uses of RepositoryObjectMapCommon in org.xiruss.xirussrepository.client

Classes in org.xiruss.xirussrepository.client that implement RepositoryObjectMapCommon
 class VersionByResourceMapClient
          Client-side implementation that allows us to instantiate the map using only object IDs rather than fetching the resources for each version.
 class VersionMapClient
          Client-side implementation that allows us to instantiate the map using only object IDs rather than fetching the resources for each version.