Uses of Class

Packages that use SnapshotException
org.xiruss.repository.server Implementation classes for the core server-side objects that make up a SnapCM repository. 
org.xiruss.snapcm.api Defines the SnapCM API as a set of interfaces and exception types. 
org.xiruss.xirussrepository.client This package provides client-side proxies that implement all the relevant Repository and XirussRepository APIs and manage all communication with the HTTP Xiruss Repository API (provided by the JettyXirussHttpApiRunner class. 

Uses of SnapshotException in org.xiruss.repository.server

Methods in org.xiruss.repository.server that throw SnapshotException
 Snapshot BranchBase.commitSnapshot(MutableSnapshot sandbox)
          Add the snapshot to the branch, committing any created versions to the repository.
 void MutableSnapshotBase.excludeVersion(java.lang.String versionId)
          Excludes the version from the set of visible versions on the snapshot.
 void MutableSnapshotBase.excludeVersion(Version ver)

Uses of SnapshotException in org.xiruss.snapcm.api

Methods in org.xiruss.snapcm.api that throw SnapshotException
 void MutableSnapshot.addEffectiveVersion(Version ver)
          Adds an effective version to the sandbox.
 Snapshot Branch.commitSnapshot(MutableSnapshot snapshot)
          Commits a mutable snapshot to the branch and returns the resulting immutable snapshot.
 Snapshot NullBranch.commitSnapshot(MutableSnapshot snapshot)
 void MutableSnapshot.excludeVersion(java.lang.String versionId)
          Excludes the version from the set of visible versions on the snapshot.
 void NullMutableSnapshot.excludeVersion(java.lang.String versionId)

Uses of SnapshotException in org.xiruss.xirussrepository.client

Methods in org.xiruss.xirussrepository.client that throw SnapshotException
 void MutableSnapshotProxy.addEffectiveVersion(Version ver)
 Snapshot BranchProxy.commitSnapshot(MutableSnapshot snapshot)
 void MutableSnapshotProxy.excludeVersion(java.lang.String versionId)
 void MutableSnapshotProxy.removeCreatedVersion(Resource resource)
 void MutableSnapshotProxy.removeCreatedVersion(Version version)